Commercial farm

Farm Biosecurity

What is Biosecurity?

Biosecurity is a set of measures designed to reduce the risk of introduction, establishment and spread of pathogenic agents to, within and from an animal population. This includes restricted movement of animals, using quarantine and isolation units and cleaning and disinfection protocols. 

Biosecurity has two main influences: 1) the balance among optimal production, food safety, animal welfare and One Health and 2) the presence of infections, the use of antimicrobials and the level of antimicrobial resistance.  

Poultry Farmer working with chicks

Biosecurity and Antibiotics

Antimicrobial resistance poses one of the biggest threats to public and animal health.1 Of all antibiotics sold in the United States, approximately 80% are sold for use in animal agriculture.2

Although measures have been taken to reduce the non-judicious use of antimicrobials in livestock production, using these for non-therapeutic purposes remains prevalent in many regions across the world.

A well-known meta analysis reviewed 27 studies across multiple countries and showed that increased biosecurity measures were the biggest factor associated with lower levels of antimicrobial use.3

Salute degli animali

Biosecurity Project: Launch of Animal Production Academic Chair

The Animal Production Biosecurity Academic Chair is an industry/academic collaboration to further biosecurity training and research. Faculty of Ghent University Veterinary Medicine, Belgium, have collaborated with CID LINES, an Ecolab Company, to create the position. The initiative will focus on biosecurity measures that keep animals healthy, including One Health topics such as antimicrobial use.

Biosecurity graphic.

La biosicurezza negli allevamenti

La prevenzione delle malattie è fondamentale per mantenere gli animali da allevamento forti e in salute, e tutto ha inizio con la biosicurezza.

External biosecurity prevents the introduction and spread of germs responsible for diseases coming into the farm; internal biosecurity controls existing diseases inside the farm. Ecolab è specializzata in entrambe le tipologie di attività.

Un programma di biosicurezza completo ti aiuterà a evitare prestazioni ridotte, mortalità degli animali, costi per i trattamenti, antibiotici, inefficienze sul lavoro, costi dei mangimi, esami di laboratorio e scarsa considerazione da parte del mercato. Ridurre l'introduzione e la diffusione delle malattie infettive ha un effetto positivo sulla tua produzione e sui tuoi profitti. 

Disease Prevention

A farm biosecurity plan is essential for disease prevention. African Swine Fever, avian influenza and mastitis are particularly threatening to animals and farmers, and they have dire financial consequences. Find out the steps you can take to prevent these diseases from entering your farm and controlling them inside your farm.

Biosecurity Practices for Pig, Poultry and Dairy Farms

There are unique biosecurity practices for pig, poultry and dairy farms. And within each farm, there are specific needs by area. Barn hygiene, drinking water disinfection, transport cleaning and personal hygiene all require their own biosecurity measures.

Find out how you can support animal health while having positive impacts on your farm KPIs.

Salute degli animali

Pig Farm Solutions

Salute degli animali

Poultry Farm Solutions

Dairy farmer in a milking parlor, smiling at the camera

Soluzioni per stabilimenti caseari

Commercial Farm

Siamo qui per aiutarti

Disease prevention is an Ecolab specialty.

Connect with us to learn about biosecurity solutions for:

Salute degli animali
Farm Productivity
Meat Production

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* indica un campo obbligatorio

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